Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Welcome to the End Times!


I'd started this blog back in 2009 to chronicle my ongoing obsession with an old wargame called Leviathan that has consumed much of my hobbytime on and off since its release back in 1995.

In 1996 I'd left the Games Workshop hobby but still wanted to continue in my brewing wargame obsession and I wandered into Macs Models on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh and saw the rulebook and a host of original art on the wall from Adrian Smith who developed this amazing visualisation of a game and world unlike anything I'd seen before.

I picked up the rulebook and a couple of bits and bobs and being a teenager, promptly did nothing with them, instead moving onto other games such as Warzone, Chronopia, Flintloque and VOR to name but a few and the original Leviathan rulebook sat unloved on a shelf all the way through college and into my working life and moving into my own digs. 

In 2008, I made the decision to go to give up my job and go off to university as a mature student to finally get my degree and sold pretty much my entire collection of miniatures that I'd amassed, along with most of my books and whatnot but I did end up keeping a small selection of books and Leviathan ended up moving with me from Dundee to Worcester.

In my flat as a first year I happened to pick up my Leviathan rulebook and sat down to have a bit of a read and my word my mind was blown. All the fond memories of being a teenage wargamer came back to me and I decided to re-explore the game. By this point Fantasy Forge had become Grendel but had gone out of business many moons before but the Leviathan range had been picked up by Scotia who became Scotia Grendel and during my remaining years of uni, I spent a ridiculous amount of time and effort obsessing over a game nobody played and was pretty much dead.

Sadly by 2015, I burned out and was forced to clear out the massive amount of resin and lead I'd collected and once again Leviathan kind of went on the backburner as a game I loved but didn't do anything with. From time to time I'd dip back in and paint the odd figure or try to do something with the game in 15mm or smaller scale but it always stalled out almost immediately.

My Leviathan blog was getting pretty heavily spammed and I decided to mothball it, its posts reverted to drafts in the hope that at some point in the future, I'd come back to it and finally do it justice.

Now here we are in 2024, 29 years after Leviathan's first release and Seb Games has taken up the mantle of Leviathan and is re-releasing all the classic sculpts and even bringing the game into a new 10mm scale that is looking very promising.

Orc Titanosaur

So what do I do with this blog? Leviathan has been central to my Wargaming experience on and off for nearly 30 years now and I feel the stirrings of the post apocalyptic wasteland of Aeroth once again. 

Now we're already in September (where's the year gone!) and I think its far too late in the year to be trying some massive and possibly mad project but as 2025 will mark the thirtieth anniversary of Leviathan, I'm going to try and do something with it, if for no other reason than to finally get it out of my system!

The remainder of this year will be spent reacquainting myself with the setting, rules and massive amounts of notes, background and whatnot that I've put together over the years which I'll be posting up here as a bit of a love letter to the game. 

The plan for 2025 is to collect and paint a warband for each of the forces in the original game and to then play out a mini campaign. This is pretty ambitious but I am desperately keen on actually making a go of it and I'll be using a mixture of the original sculpts and period suitable figures to bring the game fully to life.

I'll also be following the development of Seb Games' 10mm and possible 2nd edition of Leviathan with interest and will try to record it here too (who knows, I may end up collecting some of the 10mm stuff too!).

Hopefully I'll be updating this blog with a weekly post with all manner of Leviathan musings, ramblings and hopefully the odd miniature too but in the meantime, All the best!


  1. Glad you're back! I've been following your blog for a while and always enjoyed your posts - looking forward to what's coming! I own quite a few Leviathan minis that still need paint, so I'll try to paint some as well next year.
    Didn't know that the range was sold to Seb Games and will be revitalised, exciting news!

  2. Glad to be back!

    Fingers crossed, I'll get an article or two posted up over the weekend!

    All the best!
